Wednesday, September 28, 2005

NPR pieces

I just listened to the NPR things. I was reminded of something Ryan said last week, that we only have room in our brain for around 30 close people. Once our 'noggin starts getting crowded, we start kicking things out, I guess. Apparently, our brain isn't the limitless supercomputer we thought it was.

I find it interesting that we choose acting in a virtual world over something important to survival. Don't we experience pain so we know when something bad is happening to our bodies? I wonder what makes the brain short-circuit the survival mechanism to give over processing power to something pleasurable?

I also wonder how this fits in to the "only depressed people overuse the internet" idea. People stay in a virtuall world to avoid the pain of the real world? OK, that's overly simplistic (and trite) but still, there seems to be something there.

Finally, is anyone out there bother by the fact that in a virtual world we need not really fear a potentially benevelont God, but instead fear the all-to-human programmers?

BTW - Second Life:


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